How to prepare Freekeh recipe

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How to prepare Freekeh recipe

Freekeh Alsalam is used in many meals. It is easy to prepare and quick to prepare, as it does not take 20 minutes to cook. It can be used instead of rice and couscous.


How to prepare peppered freekeh:

  1. Cover meat or chicken with water, add peeled onion, salt,cinnamon and spices, cook over medium heat until well done.
  2. Remove meat / chicken put a side, keep soup.
  3. Wash freekeh and drain, then fry with oil or butter.
  4. Boil soup, adjust salt, add freekeh and see that soup is about 7 cm, above freekeh Bring to boil over medium heat reduce heat and cook for 30 minutes (don't stir).
  5. Serve garnished with meat (chicken) almonds and pine nuts.



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